A few miles from Cokeburg lies its sister patch, Ellsworth. This was a big shaft mine and coke yard that opened in 1900 by the James Ellsworth Coal Co, named for the mine and town's founder. He sold out to Lackawanna Steel Company
(of Lackawanna, NY, near Buffalo) in 1907. This arrangement lasted until 1922, when Bethlehem Steel purchased the assets of Lackawanna. After that the Ellsworth mine was known Mine No. 51 of Bethlehem's Ellsworth Collieries,
later Bethlehem Mines Corporation. Bethlehem Mines continued mining at Ellsworth until 1982. The tipple is gone, but these buildings - the power house and boiler house - were still standing at Ellsworth when I took this picture.
Jerry writes, "...I was born and raised in Ellsworth Pa.
...I moved in 1979 but Momma said they closed the mines in 1982. I was born
there in 1944 and for as long as I ever knew they were owned by Bethlehem
Steel and were known as Bethlehem Mines Corp. Grandpa was nicknamed Cap
and he was a general mine foreman. My grandpa, my daddy, and Uncle Jim
started when they were still using picks, shovel,s and ponies to get the
coal out. If you looked across the valley from G row you saw a huge 'gob' pile.
What are known as gob piles were known then for what they really are: slate dumps. They were also our playgrounds and occasionally our death traps due to sink holes.
In any case the huge slate dump across the valley had two
large towers on top of them and cables attached to them. Their purpose
was: in the valley was the coal washer, and slate was sent by tram cars
up to a transfer station, then into 2 huge buckets that rode the
cables up toward the towers and at a given point the bottom opened and the
slate fell out. As one was dumping the other was loading. The mine ran 350 feet below our house and if you put your
ear to the
basement floor you could hear the shuttle cars in the mine. After TV came to
our homes the miners in the mines were using two way radios and
unfortunately for our parents there were times when the slate dump towers acted
like broadcast towers. This resulted in the Howdy Doody show
occasionally being peppered with some rather, shall we say, 'colorful' language.
Ellsworth division had Not only Ellsworth but Mine 60 in Somerset township,
and Marianna mine as well.
The mine offices were in Ellsworth. The post office was a huge brick building with the
front porch supported by southern mansion style white pillars. Sharing
that building along its left side were a shoe repair shop and a barber
shop and, at the rear, was a bathroom. Next to that was a 2 story red brick
building that housed the company store. When you needed something you
went to the company store and got it and they docked you daddy's pay
check for it. There was another grocery store in town for those lucky
enough to be able to pay cash. It was housed in a building that became the
local fire hall. A family named Pinkney ran it. Across from the company
store was a small red brick building that was the doctor's office. Your
medical care was handled here since the doctor was also a Bethlehem Mines
employee. We had a company doctor, old Doc Ellis, who brought me into
the world, and then Doc Braun, who we affectionately called Dr. Feelgood (the
reasons why we won't go there). Anyway it was nothing to go to the
doctor and there would be the body of a dead miner in the back room. I
am sorry to say it was a fact of life you dealt with if you grew up in
coal towns. Next to the doctor's office was a 4 story red brick building that was division headquarters for Bethlehem mines.
Ellsworth at one time even had it's own bank with it's own Bank of Ellsworth
currency. I don't remember that as I am only 60 but Grandpa did. (He died, by
the way, at 99 which is rare for coal miners. Daddy made it to 70 when
black lung got him.)
The picture you show of the brick homes was known as G row. It is known now as North Pine Street but at the time I was growing up all the streets were assigned letters of the alphabet.
All company owned buildings in this complex were red
brick. All their trucks were what was called Omaha Orange. Speaking of
brick, the houses in your photo of G row are double brick; a brick house
basically built over a brick house. when The company built F row they
were running short of brick so they went to single brick then to wooden
clapboards. Ellsworth homes all had indoor plumbing at least from 1944 when I
was born. The houses in Ellsworth were miner-owned as long as I can
remember, so the renting had to have stopped pre-1944.
Life in Ellsworth was basically set up on an unofficial ethnic economic
status system. Those at the top...
lived on what was known as the heights. The Italians lived in J row the
Eastern Europeans (Romanians, Poles, etc.) lived in C row and D row, and the
English, Germans, etc. were in the neighborhood of G row F row etc. That
is a small sample of course but you get the idea. I have to be careful
because even though mine towns were close knit we did have an area that
had what was considered less than desirable to put it rather gently.
Considering that some of those folks still live there and some of them
are really good people who just happened to be on the lower end of the
pay scale I won't really go there.
There were buildings housing the electric
transformers for the mine, the bath house at the shaft head and the garages
that handled the Company vehicles including a company owned and operated
tan Cadillac ambulance. All these buildings were made of the ever
popular red brick. Basically if you lived in a coal mine town the company
pretty much owned you. My daddy ended up as an electrician and he worked
out of the shops in what is still known as the junction. The shop had a
long sloped shaft that allowed them to extract and insert equipment
into and out of the mine. It also served as an escape hatch. Most of Ellsworth coal was
shipped out by rail to Shire Oaks rail yard, and from there to Sparrows Point near
Baltimore to Bethlehem's steel mill there.
I remember when
the first diesel locomotive came to Ellsworth in the early 50's. It was
about midnight, and when you grow up hearing steam engines then all of a
sudden this strange sound hits your ears it caused quite a stir among
the populous. Bentleyville was a mile away and any time we kids had to go
to the movies or whatever the trains were our taxi. We would go down to
the tracks at the end of C row and wait for a coal train going our way
then hop it and ride between the coal cars till it got to the crossing
near Orsattis grocery store then bail off and when we were ready to
come home, a little ways up the track at the end of the drug store parking
lot there was a maintainance shed and we would wait till the diesel
passed and then hop it for the ride back to C row. The slate dumps
at the towers were on formed a barrier for a huge lake that we called
Big Dam. Chippawa golf course bordered 1 side of it. It was actually a
valley that had filled with water. it was so deep I'm not sure anyone
ever did figure it out but back then the technology did not exist in
Ellsworth to measure it because when they got to 150 feet the pressure
was too much. I heard estimates as high as 600 feet but all we cared about was
the swimming and fishing near the pump house. There was a
ledge about 5 feet out from shore that you could stand on but step off
that and it went straight down. Life in Ellsworth was not exactly ideal
but it wasn't exactly Hells Kitchen either. We used to have rock battles
on the slate dumps (yes I said rock battles, throwing real rocks), but
the main crime wave was garden raids. All we had to do was ask for grapes,
sunflower seeds, and tomatoes, but it was more exciting stealing them
from neighborhood gardens.
I remember the Marianna mine explosion well. My daddy was in
that mine for three days straight without coming home rigging electric
wiring so they could conduct recovery operations. I do
remember The union giving out turkeys at Christmas and passing food out
during strikes. Speaking of strikes they would do that at the drop of a
hat. If a man got a cut finger there better be a doctor and ambulance waiting
at the tipple when he came up. They struck for 10 days in the 50's for
just that reason. The UMW built a clinic in Centerville for members and
their families and I believe it is still running. If you ever have to
hire anybody hire a coal miners kid. A work ethic of almost biblical
proportions is instilled into miners' kids almost from birth. I had
my first job putting in twelve hours a day on a milk truck from 4 pm
till 4 am for 5 bucks a week and a quart of milk a day when I was 9 years
old. Coal miners are a hard living, hard working lot that keep the 2
separate. They play hard, but when that hard hat and pitbelt go on they are
all business because they know that down there your fellow miners are
all that stand between you and a body bag."
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 3, 1983:
Bethlehem To Consolidate Two Mines Near Ellsworth
After decades of leap-frogging from portal to portal in search of dwindling coal reserves, Bethlehem Mines officials are closing Mine 51 near Ellsworth. But the story doesn't end there. The gradual phasing out
of operations at Mine 51 is making way for the expansion of the adjoining property, known as Mine 60. "Fifty-one has been working out its last reserves for several years now," said Phillip Williams, Bethlehem
spokesman. "Once the reserves were completely gone, we knew we'd either begin a whole new mine somewhere else or merge these two. Merging will be beneficial to both management and labor."
In January Mine 60 will acquire much of Mine 51's machinery, equipment and employees to form the Mine Eighty-Four Complex. "It's not a one-day type of turnover," said Thomas Mucho, superintendent at Mine 60.
"We've been working on this for several years now." Mucho said the consolidation process was stepped up when the two United Mine Workers locals - No. 1197 at Mine 60 and No. 1190 at Mine 51 - merged April 1. By
consolidating the two mines, Bethlehem hopes to retain all of its employees - including 575 miners from Mine 60 and nearly 600 from Mine 51 ...
May 2003 image by author
Nov. 2002 image by author
These brick "coal patch" houses in Ellsworth differ from most other coal company housing in Pennsylvania. Founder James Ellsworth patterned them from miners' homes in England.
Nov. 2002 image by author
More common two family coal miners homes at Ellsworth. Electric lighting was installed in Ellsworth homes in 1914. The coal company offered homes for sale to the
occupants in 1945.
Nov. 2002 image by author
The "Lithuanian Club" just beyond the edge of Ellsworth, like all the Polish, Italian, and Slovak social clubs in Western Pennsylvania, is a reminder of the enormous number of European immigrants
that filled the coal and steel towns of Western Pennsylvania in the early 1900s.
May 2003 image by author
These buildings used to function as part of the Ellsworth mine complex, but have been recycled to serve contemporary needs. This is why preparation plants and tipples don't survive - they can't be converted
into anything else. Slate dump is in the background.
courtesy of Robert Deavers
Robert took this picture of the remaining coke ovens at Ellsworth and writes, "I found the coke ovens for Ellsworth. They were built in 1905 and produced coke from 1906 - 1922."
Image courtesy of Robert Deavers
Detail of a coke oven at Ellsworth.
2012 Google Street View Image
Former mine office.
Image taken from a plane by Chris H.
Aerial photo of Ellsworth showing part of the patch in the lower part of the picture, a reclaimed slate dump in the upper left, and
some of the remaining mine buildings in the upper right.
Image source lost
A old picture of the company houses for mine foremen and mine superintendents. They rented for $18 per month, had steam heat, an indoor bath tub, and electric lights.
Image courtesy of Tim Jansante of Bentleyville, Pa.
One of the two shafts and the associated tipple. For a larger image click here.
Image courtesy of Tim Jansante of Bentleyville, Pa.
Another old postcard from Tim.
Image courtesy of Tim Jansante of Bentleyville, Pa.
Slate dump next to a lake.
Image courtesy of Tim Jansante of Bentleyville, Pa.
Looking over one of the slate dumps at one of the tipples and boiler houses. The tipple is gone, but I believe this is one of the
slate dumps and boiler houses (from the original No. 2 colliery) that have remained into the 21st Century.