Mar. 2004 image by author

Coal mining village of Amsterdam, namesake of this coalfield.

1910 image courtesy of AtypicalArt, used with permission

This was the "O.P. Mine" and associated company housing that was at the northern end of Amsterdam. The colliery is to the right.

Nov. 2009 image by author

Remaining company houses from the O.P. mine.

Mar. 2004 image by author

These foundations and an abandoned rail spur are the only remnants of the Wolf Run Coal Company's coal mine at Wolf Run, Ohio, which opened in 1905.

1921 Coal Age image via Google Books

The tipple, power house, and bath house at Wolf Run as they looked in 1921. By this time the Number 6A (Lower Freeport) coal mine at Wolf Run was named Elizabeth and the operator was the Warner Collieries Company.

1921 Coal Age image via Google Books

An old photo of the Wolf Run mine's man hoist. The coal camp houses are in the background.

Nov. 2009 image by author

All Saints Orthodox Church can still be found in Wolf Run, Ohio.

Nov. 2009 image by author

Ruins of the Jessie Mine near East Springfield, which was opened into at least the 1970s.

Nov. 2009 image by author

A shop building and part of a truck mine tipple at the Jessie Mine remains.

Nov. 2009 image by author

This tipple for loading trucks, with house coal perhaps, is extant at the site of the Jessie Mine. It may have been connected by conveyor to a larger cleaning plant.

Nov. 2009 image by author

Crumbling shop buildings remain from the Jessie Mine between East Springfield and Wolf Run, OH.

Nov. 2009 image by author

Coal camp houses on the north end of Bergholz, Ohio may have been for the Eagle Mine.

Nov. 2009 image by author

This small rail yard remains at Bergholz.

Nov. 2009 image by author

One of the last coal mining facilities in this coalfield was the prep plant of the Sterling Mining Corporation between Bergholz and Salineville. It seemed that there was a Sterling Mine there for 70 or 80 years.